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Mar 10, 20213 min read
Fashion and Climate Change
Thanks to the recent $600 stimulus cheque, the US went on a shopping spree. US retail sales surged 5.3 percent in January, thus boosting...

Mar 7, 20211 min read
February 2021 Newsletter
Read the newsletter we sent out early this month! If you would like to be added to the email list, subscribe to our website (a tab on the...

Feb 27, 20217 min read
Indiana Climate Activists: Ethan Bledsoe and Lydia Emry
Ethan Bledsoe, 17 West Lafayette, Indiana Instagram: @ethan.bledsoe How did you get involved in climate activism? I did a science...

Feb 14, 20214 min read
Being a Black Environmentalist in White Environmentalism
As a young, black activist whose birth gender is female, I find it hard to find my place in the environmentalist movement. Not to say...

Feb 7, 20214 min read
Indiana Climate Activists: Annabel Prokopy and Maggie Gonzalez
Annabel Prokopy, 17 West Lafayette, Indiana Instagram: @annabelprokopy How did you get involved in climate activism? In April 2019, I...

Siya Goel
Feb 3, 20212 min read
Greenwashing: How to Avoid It
In the 21st century, greenwashing is a major problem. While many people are switching over to more sustainable options, greenwashing is...

Siya Goel
Jan 31, 20214 min read
Indiana Climate Activists: Rahul Durai and Siya Goel
Rahul Durai, 14 West Lafayette, Indiana Instagram: @rahul.durai How did you first get involved with climate activism? I first started...

Jan 29, 20214 min read
Diet and the Environment
There are a lot of different diets with various health benefits associated with them, but deciding which is best for the environment can...

Siya Goel
Jan 23, 20212 min read
Addressing the Problems of Food Waste
Nowadays, food waste is an incredibly widespread issue. Many sources claim that roughly ⅓ of all food produced worldwide is wasted— in...

Siya Goel
Jan 5, 20216 min read
WL Climate on Planning a Shoe Strike Action
What is a shoe strike? Shoe strikes for climate are a way for communities to demonstrate their collective support against climate change...

Rahul Durai
Jan 4, 20213 min read
Indiana Legislators Who Take Money From Duke Energy
Duke Energy, Indiana’s largest for-profit electric utility, burns more coal in the state than any other utility. Ninety percent of its...

Rahul Durai
Jan 1, 20211 min read
It's Time for Duke Energy to Get Moving
In 2021, Duke Energy Indiana will release its 20-year integrated resource plan. This is Indiana’s chance to urge Duke to commit to a...
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